Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Welcome to ProsperNOW!

First off, if you're here seeking get-rich-quick schemes, you've come to the wrong place. Go do a Google search for, say, "instant riches," and you'll get no fewer than 4,250,000 other possibilities; e.g., payday loans, lottery tickets, scratch games.

ProsperNOW is about building sustainable [read: enduring, long-term] wealth -- in your banking/investment/trading accounts, body, mind, and creative spirit. [Note the small "c" and small "s"...You shan't be preached to here, either!]

Is that really possible? you ask. Yep -- as long as you're willing to suspend cynicism and disbelief, and indulge the notion that you do, indeed, deserve to have total wealth/prosperity/abundance, health and fulfillment in your life. [Humor me, here, OK?] Just let go of the wheel-spinning, stuck-in-neutral negativity and decide to move forward -- today, before you waste more precious time, energy and, perhaps, money.

Go Climb a Pyramid
Let's start with bottom-line basics. In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed that human beings have a "hierarchy of needs" in the form of a pyramid: 1] Physiological [biological needs]; 2] Safety; 3] Love/Belonging; 4] Status [esteem]; and 5] Actualization.

The first four [lower] levels are grouped together as deficiency needs associated with physiological needs, and the top level -- actualization -- is termed growth needs associated with psychological needs. While our deficiency needs must be met, our being needs are continually shaping our behaviour.

The basic concept is that the higher needs in this hierarchy only come into focus once all the needs that are lower down in the pyramid are mainly or entirely satisfied. Growth forces create upward movement in the hierarchy, whereas regressive forces push genetically predominant needs further down the hierarchy.

Why this Psych 101 lesson here? Well, because whether you're a student, retiree/pensioner, entrepreneur, small-business owner, artist and/or someone who aims to grow your family/household's current income, it's doable -- and necessary -- to identify additional sources of income in order to start moving up Maslow's pyramid toward true actualization.

Am I saying that financial wealth = actualization? No! I'm simply saying that, if you don't have the financial means to provide the food, shelter, clothes, gasoline for your car [!], education [!], health care [!], insurance [!], etc., for yourself and/or your family/household, you're on the lower levels of Maslow's pyramid, and probably don't have the safety, security and peace of mind that you desire.

Today's Wealth-Generating Idea
Want an idea for generating income now? You've likely heard that the Internet offers a wealth of such possibilities -- especially in the realm of search engine marketing. The stats are compelling:
* PEW Internet and American Life Project estimate that more than 38 million will use a search engine on an average day.
* According to recent findings by JupiterResearch, search is the second-most ubiquitous online activity behind e-mail, with 76% of online consumers using a search engine monthly.
* Another study by iCrossing reveals that most adults who buy online rely on search engines to research their purchases. Approximately 88% of adults who purchase items online conduct some sort of online research at least sometimes prior to completing their purchase; 67% of U.S. adults who research online before making a purchase decision use search engines as a research tool; and 40% of those conducting online research go to search engines first.
* Research by eMarketer reveals that at least one-fifth of Internet users will use a search engine four or more times in a day. Further, eMarketer estimates that online retail revenues are projected to grow to $139 billion by 2008 -- a 19% increase from 2005.

"Warp Speed Wealth" = Internet Riches
The good news? You don't need your own product, inventory or even a Web site to be an Internet marketer. All you need is an outstanding mentor/trainer like Derek Gehl, whose "Warp Speed Wealth" [AKA "Freedom Income System"] can totally change your life in just THREE MONTHS...or even faster!

Derek's "Warp Speed Wealth" system takes you by the hand, and guides you step-by-step, showing you exactly how to QUICKLY set up your very own Internet business, and potentially make $100,000... $500,000... $2,500,000 or MORE! It comes complete with four [4] instructional DVDs plus four [4] guidebooks, which contain over 189 pages of the exact same strategies that Derek and his Internet Marketing Center team have used to generate over $54,700,000 in online sales!

To take a sneak peek and discover how you can "test drive" Derek's proven system, visit:

Signing Off...
Thanks for dropping in to ProsperNOW today. Before signing off, I ask that you patronize ProsperNOW Partners and ProsperNOW Mall merchants. When you do, at least 10% of all commissions will go to Rochester, Minn.'s Diversity Council, to support its far-reaching Prejudice Reduction Workshops.

Go forth and prosper!

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