Thursday, December 07, 2006

"The Secret" Is Out, and Skyrockets to Bestseller Status After Just One Week

By now, you've probably heard about "The Secret," the phenomenal Internet movie -- and in hardcover, audiobook and DVD formats, too -- that's changing millions of lives around the world by helping people get what they want in life. Since its Nov. 28 release, it's already a bestseller on Amazon -- i.e., #32 in DVD and #28 in Books, at the time of this posting.

In local bricks-and-mortar stores, though -- including the big-box likes of Barnes & Noble -- it's tough to find. "It's been way more successful than our buyers anticipated," a B&N associate told ProsperNOW.

What is "The Secret"? Simply put, it's a 91-minute film in which an all-star cast of 24 great leaders and thinkers present instances of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.

"The Secret" reveals amazing, real-life stories and testimonials of people who have changed their lives in profound ways. Scientists, inventors, psychologists, business people, doctors, theologians, economists and best-selling authors and philosophers -- e.g., "Chicken Soup" series creator Jack Canfield ["Maximum Confidence"], Bob Proctor, Rev. Michael Beckwith, John Gray ["Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus"], James Ray, Hale Dwoskin, Joe Vitale ["The Power of Outrageous Marketing," "Dr. Joe Vitale's Hypnotic Marketing Library," "AttractANewCar," "The Millionaire Mind"] -- explain The Secret and its application in various areas of life -- from health and wealth, to career and relationships.

The Law of Attraction
The Secret, says Proctor in the film, is the law of attraction. "Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life," he declares. "And it's attracted to you by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind."

Proctor and the film's other teachers/participants explain that, when you think of positive things that you want and focus on them intently, then, like a magnet, you will attract those good things you desire -- in unlimited joy, health, money, happiness, youth, love and relationships. On the flip side, if your thoughts are pessimistic and negative, you will attract bad things in your life.

Make no mistake: The Secret goes well beyond merely having a positive attitiude. According to the film, some of the keys to using The Secret are:
* Expectation: Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want.
* Gratitude: Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract more good things.
* Visualization: Create pictures in your mind, imagining yourself enjoying the things that you desire as if you already have them. Then you'll attract them.

The film's creator, Rhonda Byrne, says she discovered the law of attraction in a 100-year-old book called "The Science of Getting Rich," upon which
one of Proctor's most popular programs is based. Upon investigation, though, she found that The Secret had been known for centuries by many of the great thinkers; e.g., Plato, Galileo, Shakespeare, Beethoven, Edison, Einstein, Newton, Carnegie.

"Most people aren't aware of it at all," said Vitale, a world-renowned metaphysician, marketing specialist [AKA "Mr. Fire"] and best-selling author of
"Life's Missing Instruction Manual," "The Attractor Factor," "Spiritual Marketing," "There's a Customer Born Every Minute" and dozens of other books and training programs. [His next book, "Hypnotic Writing," is due for release on Dec. 22.]

"Now, this powerful information is being broadcast to the masses, to the people in the street, in a way they can understand and relate to," Vitale told ABC News. "They sit. They watch it. They absorb it."

Viral-Marketing Success Story
Vitale holds that, after just one week -- with nary a single TV or magazine ad, nor theater distribution -- "The Secret" has already made history via its incredible viral-marketing success -- mostly, via its
Web site. "I think the marketing campaign behind 'The Secret' is going to go down in history as the greatest case study of viral marketing ever done -- anywhere," he told ABC.

Vitale said that "The Secret" first posted a short trailer on its Web site. "It was hypnotic," he declared."It was one of the most riveting teasers I had ever seen in my life. It made you drool. It made you want to know more. It made you curious. It was truly mesmerizing."

The site invited viewers who wanted to know the film's release date to submit their e-mail addresses. The producers then asked the film's participants, including Vitale, to invite their fans to the site.

"Within one day, within hours, there were tens of thousands of people going to see that trailer," said Vitale. "More importantly, they were all signing up to be notified when the movie was going to be released, which meant the producers of 'The Secret' suddenly had a fan base. They had a giant mailing list...In short, the whole world started to take notice."

"The Secret 2: The Next Step" is scheduled to go into production in January for release in August 2007. Stay tuned...


Want the source upon which "The Secret" is based? Click on this link for Bob Proctor's "The Science of Getting Rich" program!

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