Friday, March 23, 2007

March 25: "CBS Sunday Morning" to Feature "The Secret"

Since its release just last fall, and its stratospheric success in several formats -- i.e., film, DVD, hardcover, audiobook -- "The Secret" has made the media rounds. Rhonda Byrne, its ingenious creator/executive producer, and several of the teachers/cast members have appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show," "Larry King Live," "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and other top TV shows. This Sunday, "The Secret" will be the featured cover story on "CBS Sunday Morning."

As most ProsperNOW readers know, "The Secret" is based on the ages-old Law of Attraction -- i.e., what you radiate to the Universe comes back to you -- and holds that you can attract what you want, as long as you truly believe in your scientific and Universal power to attract it.

Some folks have simplistically likened "The Secret" to Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking." Thus, "CBS Sunday Morning" correspondent Erin Moriarity will visit Peale's hometown, Pawling, N.Y., to hear what townspeople have to say about "The Secret," and the value of believing that any goal you wish to attain can be yours -- if you believe strongly enough.

Truth be told, an infinitely better comparison can be made to Wallace D. Wattles' 1911 classic, "The Science of Getting Rich." In fact, many personal-development gurus have speculated that Wattles' book even inspired Napoleon Hill's success-library must-have book, "Think and Grow Rich."

Whatever. Tune in Sunday morning. It's always interesting to see how their reporters spin stories.

Let Dr. Joe Vitale -- successful entrepreneur, spiritual marketer, best-selling author and teacher/cast member of "The Secret" -- show you how to Attract A New Car -- or anything else you want in life...

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