Thursday, April 10, 2008

'Doubling Stocks' Editor: Vanguard Minerals Poised to Peak Within Weeks

Editor's note: This morning [04/10/2008], "Doubling Stocks" editor Michael Cohen gave his subscribers a heads-up regarding what he called a "hot topic" stock pick that deserved attention: Vanguard Minerals Corporation [VNGM.OB]. Stock of the $47.1 million company traded up and down all day, then finally closed at $0.59 -- well above its 52-week low of $0.08, yet nearly 20 cents lower than its 52-week high of $0.78. According to Cohen -- with the help of "Marl," "Doubling Stocks"'s customized stock-trading robot -- VNGM is poised to climb much higher during the coming weeks...

By Michael Cohen

Company: Vanguard Minerals Corporation [VNGM.OB]
Yahoo Finance:
Company Website:

Earlier today, I e-mailed you about VNGM...

For those who decided to invest in this stock: Congratulations; you made a good decision.

First, I chose VNGM because they are a company riding on the price rise of uranium as a commodity. You see, between the current supply and demand of uranium, there is still a huge gap... And, for the past three years, it has risen towards $140 per pound, and then back down -- currently, at $60 per pound.

Experts in this area have concluded that price rises are likely to continue, and in the markets, this consensus will likely become self-fulfilling.

And, as I explained, investing in a company linked to a commodity that's likely to rise in price gives two distinct advantages:

* First, it focuses investors' attention on this stock and others in the same industry.

* Secondly -- particularly for mining companies -- a commodity rising in price bodes well for future profits.

But, thirdly and most importantly, I chose VNGM because it is a uranium company with an edge over others. They are situated in an area that allows for a very low cost of production.

... And they are currently working hard to raise their profile with investors.

Since releasing the pick, VNGM has reported a very important development: VNGM is planning to start exploration at a new site, Killock Bay, which will include:

* Compilation of historic geological, geophysical, geochemical and drilling data from government assessment files;

* Helicopter-supported property-scale boulder sampling and prospecting;

* Ground geophysics, data interpretation and target identification; and

* Possible drilling, if warranted.

If VNGM starts drilling at this site, it could see millions of dollars flood onto this small company's accounts. And if that did happen, it could send the stock price rocketing...

But that's not what I'm waiting for...

I believe news of this development is yet to fully take effect on the stock price. And so I think we will see VNGM's stock price continue to gradually rise over the next two to three weeks [as more investors become aware of it].

I strongly believe this stock has yet to hit its peak -- with the main reasons I chose VNGM, being factors which will take effect in the longer term; i.e., six to eight weeks...

But... I feel this stock will continue to rise strongly over the next two to three weeks, while news of this particular development is spread.

Because of this, I feel those who wait a little while longer -- maybe three weeks, at most -- will be handsomely rewarded.

Best Regards,

Michael Cohen

Full disclosure: At posting time, Kari Larson owned no shares of Vanguard Minerals Corporation [VNGM.OB].

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Anonymous said...

Do you still think VNGM.OB will climb to 200% in 3 weeks? I bought it at 0.63 and the stock has been stable, usually rising and falling lightly the past 3 days. I watched other uranium stocks like rise dramatically yesterday, but VNGM.OB didn't seem to follow. I will hold on to this stock for a month to see the outcome maybe it just takes a little time.

Kari Larson, Editor & Publisher said...

Yes, I do. Even though it dipped to 0.46 today, it's climbing pretty fast again as we approach the Friday close. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it passes 1.00 by May 1. Hang in there! Remember: Michael Cohen envisions some good things for VNGM.OB over the long term.

Anonymous said...

i really am starting to doubt this stocks expected performance but i will hold over the summer to see if they do hit uranium which would dramatically increase their stock price but for now i think this stock is in a down phase and i really do not think it will hit close to a dollar by may 1st but maybe in the future.

Anonymous said...

why would Michael recommend this stock its 10Q report was very negative driving stocks down by 35% most people that have bought this stock are not very impressed with doubling stocks, I bought it at 0.60 when i received the email to buy. Expecting good profits i held on to the stock and am now down half of my money; i am not impressed.

Kari Larson, Editor & Publisher said...

As I write this, Vanguard Minerals is trading at $0.30... Uff da! I don't know what to say -- except that Michael's [and Marl's]analytics on VNGM.OB appeared impressive enough to pick it during two consecutive weeks; hence, his "Buy" recommendations. Hang tough. Given the positive news re Vanguard's biz developments, its stock price is bound to climb higher, and become the value play that Michael believes it's destined to be. [Full disclosure: I don't own any VNGM, as I was fully invested in other long-term vehicles when Michael released both his picks.]