Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Sedona Method: FREE Tips for Releasing Yourself from Stress!

NOTE: In our ongoing commitment to bringing ProsperNOW readers the very best opportunities available for achieving total wealth in their lives, we bring you this inspiring article from our friends at Sedona Training Associates. Enjoy a safe, fun and spirit-freeing July 4th!

Feeling Burnt Out? Five Surefire Strategies to Reignite Yourself

As you prepare for your Fourth of July festivities -- picnics, barbecues and, of course, fireworks -- perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed instead of celebratory. Long work hours, errands to run, financial stress and just day-to-day obligations can easily leave you feeling burnt out.

And if you’re constantly running around wishing there were more hours in a day, you’re not alone. One-third of Americans are living with extreme stress, according to the American Psychological Association [APA], and 48 percent say their stress levels have gone up in the past five years.

Of course, too much stress is a surefire recipe for burnout. According to the APA survey:
* Nearly half of Americans say that stress has a negative impact on their personal and professional lives.
* 31 percent of employed adults have difficulty managing work and family responsibilities
* 35 percent said work interfering with family and personal time is a significant source of stress.
* 54 percent of Americans fight with people close to them because of stress.
* One in four people have been alienated from a friend or family member due to stress.

Fortunately, you don’t have to succumb to burnout. The following methods will renew your body and your spirit, while making your life much more manageable.

1. Stop Pushing Yourself
“If you're feeling burnt out in life, one of the first things to do is simply stop,” says Hale Dwoskin [pictured], CEO and director of training of
Sedona Training Associates. “I don’t mean stop all activity, but stop pushing yourself.

“One of the chief causes of burning out is our tendency to be hard on ourselves and be our own slave drivers. This, of course, can also be contributed to by external circumstances. However, we are always in charge of our reactions.”

So, right now, make a list of activities that aren’t absolutely necessary. Now cross them off and stop doing them. You’ve just gained instant free time!

2. Believe That You’ll Get Everything Done
You know the feeling: rushing from one task to the next -- all the while fretting over how much you STILL have left to do. These feelings of rushing and resistance are contributing to your burnout.

“If you are feeling pressured, the tendency is to resist, and this resistance is one of the main contributors to burning out,” Dwoskin says. “So, allow yourself to release your resistance to whatever you're doing, and know that you'll get everything done whenever you do.”

Not sure how to release? Get
The Sedona Method and you’ll find out everything you need to know.

3. Take Care of Yourself
“Burnout can easily occur if you are not taking care of yourself,” Dwoskin says. “If that's the case, allow yourself to take time for yourself, and this will often prevent burnout from happening.”

So, if you feel like there’s no time for you to relax, exercise, sleep and eat right, now’s the time to make it. These four things are not luxuries; they’re necessities for a happy mind and body.

4. Say “No”
If you’re feeling burnt out, it’s because your schedule is currently overflowing. In order to get your schedule back under control -- including having time to do absolutely nothing -- master the art of saying “No.” It’s not selfish; it’s a necessity. If you’re wondering who to say no to first, put those people who drain your energy at the top of your list [you know who they are!].

5. Take a “Mind” Vacation
You may not be able to get away from your stress physically, but you can tune it out mentally anytime you want. Some people use meditation, music, or exercise for this purpose. But you can release your stressful feelings instantly by using
The Sedona Method.

“No matter what the cause, you can let go of the feeling of being burnt out just like any other feeling,” Dwoskin says. “And by doing this, you will uncover the natural fountain of unlimited energy that is already -- and always -- right within you.”

SOURCES: American Psychological Association [October 24, 2007], Sedona Training Associates

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