Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pipes Clogged? New 30-Day Detox and Colon Cleansing Diet Is 100% Guaranteed to Unclog Them!

Are your pipes clogged? No, not your house pipes. We mean your "own" pipes! The reason for asking is that...

Constipation is big problem, and it can lead to many negative health consequences. The sad part is that more and more people in the Western world are constipated.

Why Is Constipation Such a Concern?
Think of constipation as your body’s way of going on garbage strike. Imagine, for a moment, that for some reason you couldn’t get rid of any garbage from your home. Instead, all of the garbage is allowed only to pile up. Now, can you see how this could be a problem for you and your family. Imagine the smell, the bugs and rodents it would attract, and the toxins it would give off!

Well, this is exactly what takes place in your body if you are constipated. The waste [feces] doesn’t move and, thus, it sits in the colon expelling further toxins back into your body -- a process known as autointoxification.

Therefore, it is imperative to take immediate action, as constipation has many damaging effects on the body -- including:

* Raising the risk of colon cancer

* Being four [4] times more likely to develop breast cancer

* Causing pressure in the bowels, which can stimulate the growth of cancer cells

* Causing psychological distress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction

* Causing autointoxication [when toxins are absorbed from the bowels into the bloodstream], which can have severe health consequences

Healthy bowel movements are essential to a healthy body. The bowel is like a sewage system -- which, unless you cleanse out daily, will back up and enter the bloodstream and harm your body.

What Causes Constipation?
There are many factors that can lead to the clogging of your pipes. The most notable factor is the intake of CRAP, as colon expert Dr. Brenda Watson terms it. CRAP stands for coffee, refined sugars, alcohol, and processed foods.

Without going into excessive detail, all of these "non-foods" irritate your digestive system and impoverish its ability to function normally.

Furthermore, growing up on a diet of low fiber and an abundance of processed foods sets the stage for constipation. Even if you’ve improved your diet in the last few years, it will still take time to retrain your elimination system and improve the integrity of your digestive system.

Another dietary cause of constipation is a lack of essential fatty acids [EFAs]. Aside from their numerous health benefits, EFAs also provide the lubrication needed for normal bowel movements and a healthy intestinal system. Omega-3 should be the focus of your EFA intake. Good omega-3 sources include sunflower seeds, flaxseed oil, fish oil, and walnuts.

Yet another factor that can bring on constipation is a lack of exercise. A study in Germany found a reduction in symptoms of constipation among women who engaged in frequent physical activity, while a Japanese study also found that walking, along with dietary fiber helped maintain regular bowel function.

And it just makes sense to exercise as it helps “unblock” your body’s stagnant energy and improves the circulation of the lymphatic system [your body’s sewage system], helping to remove waste from your body.

Unclogging Your Pipes
My good friend Yuri Elkaim [pictured], who is a former professional soccer player, considered by many as Canada's top fitness trainer, and a registered holistic nutritionist, has just released
Total Wellness Cleanse™, a 30-day detox and cleansing diet that is going to transform your body, mind and overall health to a greater degree than you can even imagine possible!

When you order Yuri's exclusive Total Wellness Cleanse™ program, he and his entire team will guide you through a three-step colon "healing" process that is perhaps one of the most important you can take for your health.

Their unique, holistic three-step process will help restore your intestinal system’s integrity and health. As a result, you can look forward to enjoying two to three smooth and easy bowel movements each and every day. And, best of all, you’ll be supported 100% of the way to your goals or your money back!

Check out the revolutionary Total Wellness Cleanse™ detox and cleansing diet now...


P.S.: Be sure to sign up for two FREE gifts: Total Wellness Consulting's eight-part "The Toxic Side of Food" e-course, plus the team's bi-weekly newsletter, "Liv Well"...


Click HERE to See the Cleanse That Changed the Lives of 178 People!

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