Saturday, September 05, 2009

Make Money With Twitter

Today, I'd like to introduce you to our guest author, Harris Fellman [pictured]. Harris recently launched CoupDeTwitter -- a comprehensive course on how to properly get started with Twitter, get lots of followers, and turn those followers into cash.

Harris is, by no means, a social media purist. Still, he teaches what he considers the "right way" to interact on Twitter and other social media platforms. [Hint: It's NOT by spamming people your offers]. He has a number of years of success in the Internet marketing realm, and I feel very honored to have him as a guest author this week. With that, here's the fifth of five of Harris' blog posts, which we're publishing for the benefit of ProsperNOW readers...

By Harris Fellman

So, once again, here's a quick recap of how you can stage your own Peaceful [or Hostile] Takeover using Twitter:

1. First, get a good network of followers going.

2. Build relationships with your network.

3. Get your followers to click on your links and tell others about you by retweeting your messages.

4. Make Money with Twitter.

In previous posts, I've shared with you simple ways to do Steps 1 through 3. In the last post, I even added a dimension to Step #3, which showed you how to put all that retweeting on HYPERDRIVE by providing things of value to your growing list of followers.

But, by now, you must be thinking that something is missing. Especially if you’re in business, you may, at this point, be wondering if this is just a lot of wheel-spinning and wasting your time talking to people.

You're Asking, "But, Harris, HOW Do I Make Money?"

Which, of course, brings me to today’s post. If you take the actions that I've been telling you about throughout this process, you’ll certainly create a growing list of followers... most likely into the thousands and beyond. But, up till now, we haven’t talked about how to tie it all together and start making some money with this newfound connectedness.

Here’s the thing: You CAN make money using Twitter, and you WILL. But it’s got to be a carefully planned process, because you can easily ruin your entire pot of soup you’ve been so lovingly stirring and adding ingredients to all this time. If you just start throwing tons of pepper into the pot now, you’ll just ruin all your efforts.

So, Let’s Unwrap This a Bit... What Is Twitter?

Twitter is really a free-for-all -- information-gathering, networking, and socializing all going on at the same time, real time, all the time. It’s kind of like being in the middle of a crowded street in New York at rush hour.

People are streaming in all directions with a phone in one ear, a BlackBerry in their hand, AND trying to hail a cab with the other. It’s HARD to get and keep people’s attention -- and if you smack them in the head with a bowl of soup from your cart when they’re not looking, they’re going to disengage... just like that. Poof. Relationship damaged. Do it a couple more times, and Kablooey. Relationship vanished. [Not only that, they’ll probably be peeved that you spilled soup on them!]

There's a couple things to consider here, but the main idea is NOT to try and make money ON Twitter directly. It doesn’t really work. Nothing will get people to unfollow you faster. What you want to do is have a ratio of no more than 5-10% of your tweets even trying to promote anything -- whether it's your product, or a product you're promoting as an affiliate.

What we’ve been doing over the past couple of posts is gently stirring that pot of soup -- building relationships, getting people to click, getting people to retweet, and letting those aromas fill the kitchen and start making your followers hungry for more. You’ve got them retweeting your messages, clicking your links, and now you’re going to want to entice them even more by dropping a few bread crumbs that lead them to your steaming bowl of luscious soup.

The key is to start interspersing all this great value with things of your own. Links that lead your hungry followers to even MORE good value and FREE content that you provide, luring them off of Twitter and onto your own site. If you don't have you own site yet, there are certainly plenty of affiliate products you can promote. But, I still don't recommend sending people straight to a sales page. You have to lull your followers away from the noisy street and into your tasty cafe. The content can be many things: teleseminars, webinars, even a live Ustream show. The possibilities are truly endless, as long as you think "VALUE FIRST."

Once you get their attention directed at you, and you alone, THEN it’s time to show them your real wares and convince them to buy your soup, so to speak. You can even give them a taste of your soup to really get them hooked before asking them to buy the entire bowl. By that time, they’re hungry and they’re not distracted by all the noise going on around them.

So, that’s the big Twitter secret: To make money on Twitter, you have to get people AWAY from Twitter!

There’s plenty more *soup* for you when you join Coup De Twitter! Members are given a pre-installed "Base of Operations" site that acts as an easy place for you to place these "things of value" that I'm referencing above. You'll also get seven [7] easy tactics for making money on Twitter, plus even more advanced tactics like the ones I've mentioned in this post. All of this is shown in simple step-by-step videos that walk you through the entire process. Go ahead and check out the FREE VIDEO for more information right now:


I look forward to helping you with your very own Twitter takeover.

Sayanora, Future Twinjas!

Click Here Now to Learn How to Make Money With Twitter!

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