Saturday, January 02, 2010

To Burn More Fat Fast, You'll Need a Simple Change in Mindset

Editor's note: To help kick off 2010, we'd like to help you rid that unwanted body fat -- you know, what you've been carrying around even before snarfing down all those holiday cookies, libations, candy, etc.

The good news? You can burn off that fat fast -- and set the stage for a lifetime of good health. How? By simply changing your mindset. Following, guest contributor Rob Poulos tells you how.

By Rob Poulos
Fat Loss & Fitness Expert
Creator, "Fat Burning Furnace"

Most people that I talk to about health and fitness, talk about "getting in shape." But I don't think they realize that their words are actually counterproductive to their aspirations of burning fat.

You hear a lot of people lamenting about being out of shape and saying, "I need to get in shape and burn fat. Or, "I want to get in shape and burn fat." What you don't hear them saying is, "I want to get in shape, burn fat, and stay in shape." These folks may want to stay in shape, but their mindset is focused on getting in shape.

This makes you more susceptible to the fad diets and latest exercise gimmicks on the market. You're so focused on getting in shape that you'll try almost anything -- regardless of how silly or difficult-to-follow it might seem -- because you're entirely focused on the short-term goal.

A simple change in the "quick fix" mindset to one of long-term success, will steer you down the correct path. You'll be less enticed by the late-night TV hype, and be more focused on doing the right things most of the time.

Wouldn't you agree that lifelong health and fitness is what's most important?

Of course, creating an environment in your body that allows you to burn fat fast is essential to this goal. A person who is in shape in their 50's and 60's is a lot more impressive to me than someone who is lean and fit in their 20's and 30's. That's because the dedication to maintaining the proper exercise plan and a sensible nutrition strategy for the rest of your life is rare to find. It's a rare mindset.

If you really want to transform your physique and your health for good, you must make it a lifestyle -- a habit. And that starts in your mind; that's what people who are lean for life do. In fact, if I think about all of the people I personally know -- who are in great shape, and have been for a while -- I start to understand that they have their minds on staying in shape.

These forward-thinking, health-conscious people think about it day and night -- not obsessively, but with each thing they do. They subconsciously think, "Is this going to positively or negatively impact my llong-term health and fitness?" "Am I doing everything I reasonably can to burn fat and live a healthy lifestyle?"

The good news is that research shows you can develop simple habits, like those involved in eating and exercising properly, in less than one month -- sometimes, even sooner. And with the type of exercise and diet tips I recommend to my "Fat Burning Furnace" students, you don't need to give up your life's pursuits, so that you are working out every day. Nor do you need to follow a wacky diet that you can't reasonably make a lifestyle out of.

After a few months of practicing these methods, students' bodies start telling them that they actually want to keep exercising and eating right -- that they just won't feel right without doing so. Why? Because our bodies naturally want to be healthy and lean.

So, I urge you to forgo the "get in shape" mindset. Instead, embrace the idea of staying in shape and creating that fat-burning furnace that is so essential to lifelong health and fitness.

Imagine yourself in the body of your dreams -- today, tomorrow, and five, 10, 20 or more years from now. What will you be doing then, in your lean, strong and healthy body? Chances are, you won't be trying to "get in shape." Instead, you'll be burning fat 24/7, and enjoying life as you should -- full of vitality and passion.

Rob Poulos is a celebrated fitness author, fat loss expert, and the founder and CEO of Zero to Hero Fitness LLC. Rob created the world's most efficient method for fast and permanent fat loss with his "Fat Burning Furnace" system, to help those looking to put an end to restritctive fad diets, long and boring cardio workouts, and the need for super-human willpower, for good.

SOURCES: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity [image], Zero to Hero Fitness LLC

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