Friday, February 09, 2007

Apply "The Secret" to Attract Anything You Desire -- Including a New Car!

Yesterday's broadcast of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" was nothing less than phenomenal. It was so cool to watch Oprah interact with Rhonda Byrne, executive producer of "The Secret," as well as four of the hit film's 24 teachers/cast members -- i.e., Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, James Canfield, Lisa Nichols and James Arthur Ray.

The deeply spiritual Oprah totally embraced "The Secret"'s teachings. She candidly noted that, while watching the DVD and reading the book, she teared up and realized, "I've been living The Secret all my life."

Indeed, many "tuned-in" people have been living The Secret for centuries. For example, this reporter has lived vestiges of it, off and on, for decades -- especially after a certain beloved uncle imparted a critical golf-swing/life lesson: "Remember what you're doing right, and forget what you're doing wrong." Happily -- and most gratefully -- after having recently studied "The Secret," its life-changing lessons have been infused in her daily life [e.g., conversations, outlook, actions].

So, what is The Secret? Simply put, it's the Law of Attraction: What you put out to the Universe comes back to you. What you focus on is what you'll attract. Focus on negative stuff -- e.g., being broke, jobless, lonely, overweight -- and you'll continue to manifest those very states. Focus on positive stuff -- e.g., abundance, fulfilling and well-paid work, rewarding relationships, radiating good health -- and you'll create an entirely different, and totally prosperous, reality for yourself.

As Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith noted, The Secret is also very much about gratitude. While practicing the steps to attract what you desire -- i.e., 1] Ask, 2] Believe, 3] Receive -- it's critical to be grateful for everything. Everything? you ask. Yep -- even the, uh, "life lessons" that can be so very difficult to handle; e.g., bankruptcy, divorce, broken leg, death of a loved one. Simply express thanks to the sources of all things -- good and not-so-good -- learn from them, and then refocus your time and energy on manifesting what you do want in your life.

Attract Whatever You Desire

Like his fellow cast members, Dr. Vitale is also a staunch believer in The Secret notion that -- for better and/or worse -- our current circumstances reflect what we've attracted thus far, and that each of us has the power to consciously attract good stuff; e.g., luxury cars, loving relationships, great health and fitness. In fact, he's developed a program, Attract A New Car, to help virtually anyone attract their dream vehicle[s] and/or anything else they desire.

Click here to order Dr. Vitale's program -- and to see photos of his new cars and Nerissa, the love of his life.
Photo: Harpo Productions, Inc.

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