Thursday, December 06, 2007

Day Job Killer: #2 Wealth-Building Holiday Gift Idea for 2007

NOTE: This is one of 10 holiday gift ideas for enriching your own life, and/or that of others, in myriad ways. Goal: To redefine what it truly means to prosper -- now, in 2008, and well into the future.

"A select few make $1,000 per day, while the rest stay broke." -- Chris McNeeney, Day Job Killer author, on affiliate marketers [before DJK's release, that is!]

So, how's your 9-to-5 job going? During commutes to and from your workplace, how often have you contemplated [fantasized?] chucking it all to work for yourself -- on your own schedule, at your own pace, with no one looking over your shoulder?

Good news! Chris McNeeney, founder of Manchester, UK-based Memeplex, and the author of best-selling e-books on affiliate marketing [e.g., AdWords Miracle, Affiliate Project X], has introduced a new product: Day Job Killer. Within just two weeks of its release, more than 9,000 copies of DJK sold worldwide.

If you've sampled any of the countless e-books available on the subject of affiliate marketing, you've likely discovered there's a lot of redundancy. The more experienced among you also probably feel as though most e-book authors are holding back some info for themselves and their buddies among the elite "super affiliates" -- right?

Then again, perhaps you simply feel lied to about all the claims of vast fortunes that are to be made on the Internet...

Well, Chris knows exactly how you feel. That's why he developed his easy-to-understand Day Job Killer approach that profitably addresses the following:
* Campaign nuking: Locate profitable AdWords campaigns, and steal them. This one is profitable, but brutal...
* The three reasons that 99% of affiliates fail to profit from ClickBank, and what to do about it...
* The best-kept secret in the entire affiliate marketing game. No one ever tells you this...
* The "Leveller" method -- or, "How to rob a guru of his customers"... and generate multiple income streams

Here's Just Some of What You'll Find in the Revolutionary Day Job Killer E-Book:
* Finally, step-by-step methods that the super affiliates use in 2007. Chris literally had to travel the world to see some of the affiliates he encountered. The truth is that these guys do things differently compared to 99% of the rest. Learn exactly what they do -- with copy-and-paste examples that generate job-killing income for many of your competitors.

* Take from the gurus, and borrow from the super affiliates. DJK's goal is to find campaigns that are currently generating hundreds per day, and affiliates making tens of thousands. Clone them, and siphon off a chunk of their earnings. Chris credits this one to a friend of his, whom he encountered in California. [Success leaves clues: His buddy earns $140,000 per month, and he is largely responsible for the first of DJK's techniques.]

* The secrets they don't teach anywhere else. Chris exposes a live, job-killing AdWords campaign, then explains how a New Yorker is cleaning up with a series of cut-throat AdWords techniques that allow him to average 20-30% CTR on some keywords. [You won't learn this anywhere else, because no one is teaching it. It's all been taken from the guys doing it in the field -- i.e., the ones making thousands in the shadows...]

* Little need for capital. While other guides tell you to start with hundreds, you can get started with DJK for practically nothing. The funny thing is, the guys making the most tend to invest a little to make a lot. Find out why, and ride their wave all the way to the bank...

* Advanced AdWords techniques. Find out how a "renegade" Brit has built an 80,000-word strong keyword list. The clincher? He is profitable on every single keyword. Learn how to compete with other affiliates and crush them totally every time...

* The only affiliate manual that lets you compete with the gurus. Not only will Chris show you the techniques that the super affiliates use to tear other affiliates apart, but now, for the first time ever, you can compete with the gurus themselves -- literally sucking them dry and building a monstrously profitable list at the same time. Revenge is sweet, and it's time for the affiliates to profit like product vendors. [Chris is very serious, here, folks...]

* The biggest revelation to hit affiliate marketing in three years. The first method inside DJK is quite probably worth a thousand times the cost of the guide alone. Why? Chris is about to show 100,000 failing affiliates where the bulk of the industry lies. [Hint: you aren't even competing in the game...]

* Learn from the six-figure guys that rarely surface. For a limited time, you have the opportunity to glimpse behind the curtain and see how reclusive six-figure consolidators live. See how they steal buyers from the gurus ... instantly work out whether an AdWords niche is profitable [before they run an ad] ... and how they consistently choose the hottest products on ClickBank. [The truth is, you only need one $100-a-day campaign to kill your job, and finally live the way you want...]

Testimonials Speak Volumes About DJK's Life-Changing Value
* "Day Job Killer rocks! I have also felt like I was being told less than the truth ... and wondered why AdWords would cost me hundreds of dollars and, yet, I would get only one or two sales... Now, I see what the problem has been... I finally feel like I understand the problem, and now that I know the solution, I can do something about it. You are my saviour!" -- Salman Ameen, Manchester, U.K.

* "I have just read the pre-release version of Day Job Killer... At first glance, I am excited... Thank you for taking the time to put together an incredible collection of methods that I am sure will generate enough money for me to quit my job -- or at least make a few hundred dollars per week... My only complaint is that one of the methods is a little 'sneaky' -- but, then again, I am sure it works as well as all the other methods..." -- Alfred Wanes, Connecticut.

Chris Guarantees That Your Day Job Will Die a Shockingly Brutal Death, or You'll Get Every Cent of Your Money Back -- All of It...
* Prove to yourself, at Chris' risk, that this is the key to the Internet wealth that you deserve. Prove to yourself that there is a world beyond the one you currently live in -- and away from the lies, sham gurus and smokescreens that you are used to. Prove that your day job does not have to be the only way for you to exist. Upon instant access to the Day Job Killer manuscript, put it to the test.

* Give Chris' underground, raw, borderline methods a single run. Follow his step-by-step, copyable, day-to-day instructions, and then watch your life transform. See how you have been lied to, brainwashed and beaten down into mediocrity -- by the gurus. Finally understand why you have failed up till now, and how you can explode your income and crush the competition in days. See how friends and family respect you, while other affiliates fear you...

* ...And if, for any reason, you're unhappy with DJK, just let Chris know within 56 days for a full and courteous refund. You deserve ample time to take your one shot at living the life you want, and to experience the incredible benefits that thousands of your peers are probably already experiencing.

It's decision time: Kill, or be killed. Click here for your copy of Day Job Killer, and start prospering today!

Still haven't decided if you deserve a shot at launching an entirely new Internet enterprise to call your own? Sign up for a FREE e-course from Chris now:

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