Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Sedona Method: #1 Wealth-Building Holiday Gift Idea for 2007

NOTE: This is one of 10 holiday gift ideas for enriching your own life, and/or that of others, in myriad ways. Goal: To redefine what it truly means to prosper -- now, in 2008, and well into the future.

How often have you wondered how amazing your life would be "if only..."? "If only I could lose weight..." "If only I had more money..." "If only I could be healthier..." "If only I had a better career or job..." "If only I didn't have to work as much..." "If only I had more focused time and energy to [fill in the blank], then I'd feel fulfilled..." "If only I could meet the right person, then I'd be happy..." "If only I could take control of my life..."

During the past 20 years or so, I've done my share of soul-searching, self-discovery, and individual and group therapy to help address various issues. Being an avid advocate for social, racial, ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as a lifelong student of ecology, I'm pleased to report that no one, single means of self-development has held the key to my personal growth and well-being. Instead, all of the diverse books, articles, courses, tapes, therapy sessions, meditations, visualizations, etc., have integratedly served me -- yes, some more than others -- and I believe that I've invested my time, money and energy well.

"The Secret" Reveals Lessons Regarding the Law of Attraction
In late 2006, "The Secret," a
DVD and book by Rhonda Byrne, took the entire self-help world by storm. Replete with insights from dozens of prominent experts [AKA teachers] -- from the realms of psychology, metaphysics, religion/spirituality, medicine, business, personal finance, etc. -- "The Secret" was loaded with ideas and suggestions for living one's very best life, and became an instant bestseller.

Just a few months later, Oprah Winfrey hosted Byrne and a handful of "The Secret"'s teachers not once, but twice, on her show. And, now, in December 2007 -- a full year later -- "The Secret" is still on the prestigious New York Times bestseller list.

In a nutshell, lessons in "The Secret" all relate to the ancient Law of Attraction; i.e., you attract what you focus on. For instance, if you constantly worry about being broke, you'll stay broke -- and, very likely, magnetize more bills. If you keep thinking about how tired, lonely, sick and/or depressed you are, then you'll continue to feel fatigued, isolated, dis-eased and mopey. If you don’t genuinely feel and express gratitude, you’ll likely block more good things from coming your way.

Simple, huh? Yes -- that is, unless you're undoing decades of negative personal and social conditioning, the fallout from tragic life experiences, and, perhaps, a few unhealthy habits [AKA addictions]. Then, you've got a little more work to do.

As a writer, publisher and PR/branding/marketing professional, I'm familiar with the work-in-progress concept. Beyond that, I consider my Unitarian Universalist/Humanist self to be a work-in-progress -- i.e., till the day I die, when this lifelong party's over.

Thus, when I felt the widespread, positive vibe surrounding "The Secret," I just had to read it. And study it, I did ... from cover to cover ... twice! FYI: I'm very protective of my time, so it's a big deal for me to devote such time and energy to any endeavor, much less twice.

The Sedona Method: It's All About the Power of Letting Go
Along the way, I "met" some terrific teachers, each of whom offered a certain, nuanced life lesson. Among the most compelling teachers: a gent named Hale Dwoskin [pictured above], president of Sedona Training Associates.

Dwoskin, himself a student of the late Lester Levenson, has fine-tuned Levenson's teachings on the applied science of "releasing." He's authored the best-selling book, "The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-Being," and developed a multimedia course that's helped millions of people throughout the world untether themselves from yesterday's obstacles and move on to better things.

Sound mysterious? It's not. Just as practicing the Law of Attraction yields powerful results, applying the Sedona Method's releasing technique aids students in simply letting go ... of bad habits/addictions ... poverty-inducing thoughts of scarcity and lack ... emotional trauma ... stress ... lethargy ... fears ... unwanted weight ... feelings of unworthiness ... and unrewarding relationships, work and activities that no longer serve your best interests while creating the abundance, peace, love, joy and fulfillment you deserve.

On Fourth of July 2007 [Independence Day!], I started studying the Sedona Method. Since then, I've unloaded clients and projects that held no place in my new, long-term career and business goals. More over, I've gained an unprecedented, new sense of clarity, acceptance, calmness, confidence, self-control and sheer imperturbability regarding various issues and situations that I've inadvertently allowed -- yes, allowed -- to plague me for years, even decades.

Bonus: Without even trying to shed a few extra pounds, all of this emotional and psychological releasing has also yielded a lighter, fitter and more energetic me -- i.e., one who now frequently opts for fresher and more nutritious whole foods, rather than caffeine and processed sweets, carbs and fats.

"Knowing how to release is not a luxury," says Dwoskin. "It is a basic survival skill for the millennium." It's true. As stressors mount -- personally, locally, nationally and globally -- it's critical to be able to control one's emotions, and to focus on what's important and relevant.

The Sedona Method guides students to doing just that. Simply put, I cannot praise it highly enough -- neither as a stand-alone technique, nor as a complement to other means of achieving sound mental health; e.g., traditional and alternative therapies, 12-step recovery work.

Endorsements Abound for the Sedona Method Course
If you want a doable, cost-effective system for letting go of "stuff" from the past, and moving toward a healthier, brighter and more abundant future, order a copy of Dwoskin's best-selling book from
Amazon today. I wholeheartedly believe that it'll be one of the best gifts ever -- for yourself and/or a loved one.

If you'd like to check out Dwoskin's comprehensive multimedia course, go to the Sedona Training Associates
Web site. There, you'll find celebrity and author testimonials from the likes of Jack Canfield, Barbara De Angelis Ph.D., John Gray Ph.D., Mark Victor Hansen, Mariel Hemingway, Gay Hendricks Ph.D., Robert Kriegel Ph.D., Cheryl Richardson and Brian Tracy, plus compelling endorsements from several prestigious educational and medical institutions -- including Harvard Medical School.

You'll also be able to request the free DVD, CD and MP3 gifts that provide an overview/sneak preview of the course, and sign up for the free "Sedona Method Success and Well-Being Newsletter" and free "Insiders Guide to the Sedona Method."

Check it out today, and prosper this holiday season ... and well into your future!

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